Tutorial, tutorial Talks

RPerl White Belt: From Zero To RPerl — Will Braswell, 240 minutes; pending

RPerl is the new optimizing compiler for Perl 5. This course will provide hands-on guidance to lead students through installing RPerl and writing their first RPerl programs. We will implement solutions to the exercises in chapter 1 of the course textbook, Learning RPerl. We will begin work on chapter 2 if time permits.

RPerl Yellow Belt — Will Braswell, 240 minutes; pending

This course is a continuation of the RPerl White Belt, and will provide hands-on guidance to lead students through RPerl's scalar data literals & types, scalar operators, constants, basic input & output, conditional statements, and loop control structures. We will implement solutions to the exercises in chapter 2 of the course textbook, Learning RPerl.

Practical Perl 6 — Jeffrey Goff, 240 minutes; pending

Learn Perl 6 hands-on as we build a database-driven wiki application from the ground up with a modern fully-asynchronous web server, SQLite and a full OORDBMS. We'll construct a simple web application that you can deploy and launch with one command! Don't worry if you don't know Perl 6, that's what you're here to learn.

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