A language neutral approach from Perl to PHP & JavaScript

Raja Renga Bashyam — 45 minutes 🐪

A team of few, we have challenges in implementing applications bigger than our size. The constraint forced to innovative practices that reduce our development time, that leaded to evolve a home grown framework. Though the initial things were in pure Perl, later it extended to PHP & JavaScript. We had challenges in train in different language, but Perl's natural language principles given a smooth adaption to PHP and JavaScript & even more. I will share our evolution of language neutral approach that reduced development & training time.

The framework foundation is highly aligned to Perl nature. Apart from perl usage in report & automation, primary things were migrated to other languages due to infrastructure support & learning curve time. We have a challenge in training due to language mixture, the root is perl and the branches are in JS & PHP. From the real time feedback improvements, we standardized a seven step learning approach that emphasis a language neutral way based on natural language principles implemented in Perl. The seven stage learning consists of (1.Programming with Natural language principles & Static Content, 2. Data Structure & Dynamic Content Generation, 3. Functional Approach & Communication Based Customization, 4. Template Based Content Generation, 6. Auto Diversion & http request 7. Data from flat file & DB ) implementation in Perl, PHP & JavaScript languages. The multiple way of achieving same result in different languages leaded to standardize the process, that helps in understand the similarities & different approached between languages.
In this talk, i will share a real time case of a seamless implementation in Perl/PHP/JS.

Talk tags
Perl_to_PHP, Perl_to_JS, Language_Neutral_approach, Natural Language Principles
Perl versions
🐪 Perl 5
Target audience
Perl 5 programming
Talk duration
45 minutes
Talk status