demo Talks

Auto-Parallel Programming On The Cloud — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; pending

Learn how to write code which will automatically execute in parallel on the Cloud. Push your programming skills to the next level with transpiler technologies.

The State Of The Scallion Address: Perl Compiler Current Affairs — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; pending

Perl is an onion, and RPerl is a skinny green onion, a scallion! 22 years after Saint Larry's original State of the Onion at The Perl Conference, it's time for everything old to be new again. Will the Chill speaks on the current affairs of the RPerl compiler and related topics of interest.

C, RPerl. C, RPerl, Run. Run, RPerl, Run! — Will Braswell, 45 minutes; cancelled

See RPerl run! This presentation is chock-full of real-life, bona-fide, honest-to-goodness running RPerl examples, demos, and applications.

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